Define a function addTimer, to log executed time for all function-type property of an object
Definition 1
var addTimer = function (widget) {
var prop;
for (prop in widget) {
if (typeof widget[prop] === 'function') {
var backupFunc = widget[prop];
// the same problem with the following code
//backupFunc = (function () {
// return widget[prop];
// try a deep copy here to make bakcupFunc not changed with prop
widget[prop] = function () {
console.time("from timer " + prop);
backupFunc.apply(this, arguments);
console.timeEnd("from timer " + prop);
// the same problem with the following code
//widget[prop] = (function () {
// return function () {
// console.time(prop);
// backupFunc.apply(this, arguments);
// console.timeEnd(prop);
// };
All function type property in widget will call the last function type property
Definition 2
Since there is no block scope in JavaScript - only function scope - by wrapping the function creation in a new function, you ensure that the value of prop remains as you intended.
var addTimer = function (widget) {
var prop;
var getFuncWithTimer = function (prop) {
return function () {
console.time("from timer " + prop);
widget[prop].apply(this, arguments);
console.timeEnd("from timer " + prop);
for (prop in widget) {
if (typeof widget[prop] === 'function') {
widget[prop] = getFuncWithTimer(prop);
exceed maximum call stack
Definition 3
var addTimer = function (widget) {
var prop;
var getFuncWithTimer = function (prop) {
var backupFunc = widget[prop];
return function () {
console.time("from timer " + prop);
backupFunc.apply(this, arguments);
console.timeEnd("from timer " + prop);
for (prop in widget) {
if (typeof widget[prop] === 'function') {
widget[prop] = getFuncWithTimer(prop);
All function with returned value can not work
Final Definition
var addTimer = function (widget) {
var prop;
var getFuncWithTimer = function (prop) {
var backupFunc = widget[prop];
return function () {
console.time("from timer " + prop);
var ret = backupFunc.apply(this, arguments);
console.timeEnd("from timer " + prop);
return ret;
for (prop in widget) {
if (typeof widget[prop] === 'function') {
widget[prop] = getFuncWithTimer(prop);