How to Deploy MicroStrategy iOS Mobile Environment
Start Developing in a New Mac Machine
[updated on 2015.9.17] With Xcode 7, we only need an Apple ID for deploying your app to ipad or iphone, with the ability to debug.
- Regist you apple id to MSTR group. Contact your manager for some info.
- Go to Apple Develop Center.
- Go to Certificates, find your certificate, click it, and download the certificate. If there is no certificate for you, go to here for generating it by yourself.
- Run the certificate you just downloaded, and add it to keychain. (To get the certificate, go to here)
- Go to Provisioning Profiles, download the Development and Distribution profile (for example: MicroStretegy_Mobile.mobileprovision), double click to insert it into xcode. You can also go to Xcode–>Preferences–>Accounts, select MicroStrategy Incorporated and refresh the provisioning profiles.
- Go to Project –> Build Settings –> Code Signing, you will find the provisions you get through step 5.
- To install the app in your device, make sure your device is registed already. Check it in the Devices in Apple Develop Center.
Get the Code
Currently, MicroStrategy Mobile code is in github. To deploy the environment, you should:
- git clone** - Copy “Engine” folder from somewhere else to “Mobile” folder you just cloned. “Engine” folder can be found in previous clearcase branch.
- Open the xcode project here: Mobile–>Mobile_Client–>iOS–>MicroStrategyMobile–>MicroStrategyMobile.xcodeproj