Some Useful Tools for Coding
- kdiff可以用来比较文件和文件夹的不同,也可以集成到Mac的Terminal中。
- 相比于kdiff, p4merge的界面更友好,也一样可以集成到Terminal中。唯一的不足是不能比较两个folder的不同。
也可以参照Installing multiple versions of Python on Mac using Homebrew。虽然说运行source ~/.bash_profile
Debugging Network
Network Link Conditioner
Goagent for VPN
For Mac, refer to this post.
If you meet with httplib.BadStatusLine error while running python
, refer here (tricky here, as the link need vpn to get):
- 关闭谷歌账户的两部验证功能。
- 并且到 这里 确认"不够安全的应用的访问权限"已启用。
Using Plugins for Xcode
[2020.05.22 Update]自从XCode 8.0开始,Apple就禁止了插件的使用。
Using Alcatraz to manage plugins in Xcode.
Some recommended plugins:
A plugin for Xcode that shows colours and allows you to modify them. It works for both UIColor and NSColor in Swift and Objective-C.
Xcode can highlight instances of selected symbol, but what it does is to add dash lines under the instances, which is hard to be noticed.
AutoHighlightSymbol is a plugin for Xcode, it adds background highlight color to those instances. It’s super useful while you’re tracing codes, especially when you want to figure out where a specific variable is used in a certain method.
Highlights the current editing line in Xcode.
Use this plug-in for xcode to enable xcode support automatically adding comments to our code, using Javadoc style. With these comments, we can alt+click a used function to see some useful info.